Speaker Profile Thumbnail for Ben Nemtin

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Top 30 Motivational Speaker & Co-Founder The Buried Life

Ben Nemtin Speaking Fee: $30,000 to $50,000

#1 New York Times Bestselling Author, Top 30 Motivational Speaker & Co-Founder The Buried Life

Speaker Profile Thumbnail for Ben Nemtin
Speaking Fee:
$30,000 to $50,000

Travels From:
LAX - Los Angeles (All Airports)

Primary Topic Category:
Inspiration / Motivation / Overcoming Obstacles

Secondary Topic Category:
Mental Health / Wellness / Self-Help


Ben Nemtin Speaker Profile: At A Glance

Ben Nemtin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want To Do Before You Die, the star of the MTV show The Buried Life, and an internationally renowned keynote speaker. As the co-founder of The Buried Life movement, Ben’s message of radical possibility has been featured in major media including The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS, NBC News, and more. President Obama called Ben and The Buried Life “inspiration for a new generation” and Oprah declared their mission “truly inspiring.”

Ben Nemtin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want to Do Before You Die? and The Bucket List Journal. Ben is ranked the #2 Motivational Speaker in the World by Global Gurus and starred in The Buried Life, MTV’s highest rated show on iTunes and Amazon. As the co-founder of The Buried Life movement, Ben’s message of radical possibility has been featured on The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, FOX, and NBC News. President Obama called Ben and The Buried Life “inspiration for a new generation” and Oprah declared their mission “truly inspiring.” In university, Ben was unexpectedly hit with a depression that forced him to drop out of school. In an attempt to feel alive again, he created the world’s greatest bucket list with his three best friends. They borrowed a rickety old RV and crisscrossed North America, achieving the unthinkable. And most importantly, every time they accomplished a dream of their own, they helped a stranger accomplish their dream. From playing basketball with President Obama and having a beer with Prince Harry to reuniting a father and son after 17 years and surprising a young girl with a much needed bionic arm, Ben’s message of radical possibility has inspired millions to unlock their true potential. Ben has achieved 96 of 100 dreams and he's set to cross off “#100: Go to Space” next year.

    The world is changing faster than we ever imagined, leaders and teams have to dig deep within themselves to break through and find opportunity in uncertain times. Before becoming a #1 NYT best selling author, playing basketball at the White House, having beers with Prince Harry, or living out his other dreams, Ben suffered from crippling depression. After committing to a series of positive life changes, Ben had a shift in perspective that changed his outlook on life and opened himself up to endless possibility. From there he committed to following his buried dreams and helping others through acts of service. The rest is history and Ben’s life changing message has opened up audiences around the world to cultures of service, gratitude and endless potential. Virtual Option: -Platform: Zoom or GenieCast -Length: 30-60+ minutes Takeaways + How all aspects of your life impact your performance at work + Ben's 'Mental Health Toolkit' offers 12 easy steps to implement practices that increase wellbeing during times of stress, anxiety and burnout. + Proof that small acts of service can create and incredible impacts in your organization and community (The Ripple Effect)

    "It is the power of giving, compassion and hope that will get us through hard times." Ben has experienced this first hand. He has helped hundreds of people accomplish their dreams over the past 15 years and this feeling of connectedness and purpose has fueled him through feelings of uncertainty. Ben shares touching stories of helping others to not only inspire but also offer insight that can improve our daily life and our work environment. A culture of service can unlock potential and align team members in the workplace and in their communities. And contrary to popular belief, helping others doesn’t always have to be a selfless act. Giving can actually help us in more ways than we think. Virtual Option: -Platform: Zoom or GenieCast -Length: 30-60+ minutes Takeaways + 5 reasons why helping others actually helps yourself + Acts of service that you can act on today + Proof that kindness is contagious

    Ben has driven countless people to achieve their dreams, as both a helping hand and as an inspiration. These experiences have taught him that articulating and prioritizing your personal goals is not a selfish act—but one that creates a positive ripple effect that inspires others to live their best life. Ben weaves the remarkable story of how The Buried Life grew from 100 impossible dreams into a global movement and connects his lessons to the fabric of our daily lives. Ben’s message of radical possibility combined with his ‘5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible’ leaves audiences not only inspired but also equipped with tools to tackle the seemingly insurmountable. Ben’s system of achieving impossible goals demystifies daunting tasks by turning ‘pipe dreams’ into ‘projects’ and creates inspiration through action and accountability. Ben reminds us of the lasting power of service and that it’s never too late leave your impact on the world. Virtual Option: -Platform: Zoom or GenieCast -Length: 30-60+ minutes Takeaways + How to accomplish seemingly impossible goals (5 Steps to Make the Impossible Possible) + Identify the #1 thing that holds you back from accomplishing your goals + How to unbury your dreams and keep them unburied

    Throughout life, you have been setting goals for your career, college, relationships and finances. When was the last time you did something just for you? Psychologists say that focusing on personal goals helps promote positive mental health by giving you a vehicle for self care while keeping you energized and avoiding burnout. Simply put: you can’t take care of other people if you don’t take care of yourself. Prioritizing your personal goals isn’t just for your benefit, however, it’s for benefit of your organization. Companies with a people-first culture see measurable improvements in productivity, lower absenteeism, higher customer satisfaction and improved recruitment (Harvard Business Review). By putting yourself first, you put yourself in a position to serve others. Ben facilitates exercises that drive us towards our goals by implementing tiers of accountability and he inspires action through masterful storytelling and tangible take away. See why Global Gurus has named Ben in the World’s Top 30 Organizational Culture Thought Leaders the past two years in row. Virtual Option: -Platform: Zoom or GenieCast -Length: 30-60+ minutes Takeaways + Proof that your organization deeply cares about you as whole person, personally and professionally + How to implement tiers of accountability around personal goals in your work environment + Identify the most important dreams in your life and take actionable steps toward them

    Ben’s 30-minute list writing workshop puts the '5 Steps to Making the Impossible Possible' into action. Inspiration doesn’t come to us, we must create inspiration by taking steps toward our goals and this workshop does exactly that. The breakout session includes writing your list that is reflective of all 10 Categories of Life, identifying the most important item on your list and virtual goal sharing through chat and on screen. These steps are designed to build accountability around personal goals, to generate inspiration by stimulating small actionable steps and to connect teams through shared goals. Sharing goals virtually This breakout session can be added to any keynote.

    Build your mental health toolkit to increase resilience, lower stress and manage the ups and downs of life with greater ease. This 30-minute workshop offers tangible tools to help you navigate stressful times of uncertainty. This session is designed to give tangible takeaway to boost your mental health and energy. Ben believes everyone should have their own mental health toolkit to optimize performance and wellbeing - this session will help you build yours.
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