The world of public speaking is witnessing a significant shift. More and more women are stepping up to the podium, bringing diverse perspectives and reshaping the conversation.

This article explores how female public speakers have emerged from the background to dominate stages worldwide. We’ll look at their journey, the barriers they’ve broken, and the unique attributes they bring to the art of speaking.

Immerse yourself in the compelling stories of these female speakers and the significant impact they’ve made. Their journeys, filled with challenges and triumphs, offer deep insights into the evolving landscape of public speaking and its influence on society.

Dive into the article to discover how these trailblazing women are changing the face of public speaking and how their experiences can empower your speaking journey.

The Evolution of Women in Public Speaking

Early Pioneers

Let’s kick things off with the bold women who started it all.

In the 19th century, the role of women in public speaking was a contentious issue, with societal norms often restricting their participation in this field. Despite these challenges, many women emerged as influential speakers, paving the way for future generations.

Picture the 1800s: a time when women were expected to stay quiet and out of the limelight. Now enter the scene, Sojourner Truth, with her fiery “Ain’t I a Woman?” speech in 1851. She, along with other fearless ladies, started the ripple that turned into today’s wave of female empowerment in public speaking. These early pioneers weren’t just talking; they were stirring the pot, challenging norms, and opening doors for the ladies who would follow.

20th Century Developments

Fast forward to the 20th century, and things really started cooking. Women were now stepping up on soapboxes and stages, demanding their right to vote with the same fervor as any male counterpart. Think Emmeline Pankhurst, who wasn’t just asking for the vote; she was demanding it. Then came the mid-century game-changers like Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks. They weren’t just speaking; they were making history with their words and actions. By the time we hit the likes of Margaret Thatcher and Indira Gandhi, female public speaking wasn’t just a novelty; it was a force to be reckoned with.

From the bold early voices to the powerhouse speakers of the 20th century, the journey of female public speaking is nothing short of inspiring. These women didn’t just speak; they changed the world, one word at a time.

This historical shift in the rhetoric landscape, where women’s voices have moved from the periphery to the forefront, underscores the significant role they have played in shaping public opinion and driving social change, often underscored by their acknowledgment as medalists in various fields for their impactful contributions through their powerful oratory.

Challenges Faced by Women Speakers

Gender Bias and Stereotypes

Let’s face it: the speaking circuit hasn’t always been a level playing field. Women have had to break through layers of gender bias and stereotypes. You know the drill: women being labeled as ‘too emotional’ or ‘not authoritative enough.’ It’s like walking a tightrope between being assertive and not being seen as aggressive. But hey, women in public speaking have been shattering these stereotypes, showing that strength and eloquence aren’t just men’s game. Many have overcome adversity to stand out in this field.

Global Speaker Distribution by Gender | 2018

However, there’s still a long way to go in terms of having more women representatives. Bizzabo’s Gender Diversity and Inclusion Report published in 2018 looked at who’s speaking at big events around the world, focusing on men and women speakers. It analyzed over 60,000 speakers from the world’s major events from 2013 to 2018 in 23 different countries and found that globally, only less than a third of the speakers were female (31%), and more than two-thirds were male (69%).

Balancing Personal and Professional Life

And then there’s the juggling act of personal and professional life. For many, it’s like having two full-time jobs. Managing family responsibilities while climbing the ladder in the public speaking world? That’s no small feat. This balancing act is a significant hurdle, as workplaces still tend to be designed with traditional, less flexible structures.

Despite these challenges, many female speakers demonstrate remarkable resilience and adaptability, navigating through a landscape of unequal pay, difficult expectations, and limited advancement opportunities, while still managing their commitments.

Critical Attributes of Effective Female Presenters

An illustrative image highlighting the critical attributes of effective female presenters, featuring a diverse group of women demonstrating confidence, clarity, and engagement.
Passion to Podium: Female Speakers Shaping Our World

Effective Communication Skills

Successful female speakers often excel in effective communication, which includes clarity, storytelling, and persuasive language. According to Forbes, tools like storytelling, body language, and vocal variety are crucial for women to become better speakers. Utilizing advice from bestselling authors and inspirational speakers can significantly enhance these skills. These skills help in engaging the audience and making the message more memorable. 

Confidence and Assertiveness

Confidence and assertiveness are the bread and butter of successful female speakers. It’s not just about what you say; it’s how you say it. These women stand tall, speak up, and own their space. They don’t just deliver a message; they command the room.

Authenticity and Credibility

Authenticity and credibility are essential to build trust with their audience. Harvard Business Review emphasizes that authenticity, including the ability to communicate authentically, is a vital leadership attribute, crucial for any entrepreneur or business leader. This authenticity can inspire and engage audiences more effectively, proving essential for a keynote speaker. 

Empathy and Relatability

But it’s not all about power moves. The ability to empathize and relate to the audience is a key factor in the success of female speakers, allowing them to create a deeper connection and make their speeches more impactful.

Empathy and relatability are the secret sauces that make them resonate with their audience. They bring stories to life, connect on a personal level, and turn speeches into conversations. This emotional intelligence is a game-changer, making their words not just heard but felt.

Leadership and Influence

Leadership and influence are key attributes. They inspire action and shape opinions through their words. Harvard Business Review notes that women’s leadership potential sometimes manifests in unconventional ways, such as being highly responsive to clients’ needs, which can be a powerful form of influence. 


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The Role of Women Keynote Speakers in Various Fields with Case Studies

The journey of female speakers has been marked by breaking barriers and setting new benchmarks. We’ll explore how they’re changing the narrative in traditionally male-dominated industries.

Politics and Activism

In politics and activism, the role of female speakers extends far beyond being mere participants or bystanders. They are at the forefront, not just participating in the discourse of power but actively reshaping it. Their influence is a powerful testament to how women are redefining leadership and advocacy in these critical fields.

A prime example of this transformative leadership is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), the youngest woman ever to serve in the United States Congress. Her approach to politics is characterized by a bold, unapologetic advocacy for progressive policies. AOC’s tenure has been marked by her efforts to address climate change, healthcare reform, and income inequality. Her ability to leverage social media to engage with a broader audience has also redefined the way politicians connect with their constituents.

Business and Entrepreneurship

One of the most significant contributions of female leaders in business is their infusion of diverse perspectives, often highlighted in talks featured on platforms like CNN. Traditionally, business leadership has been somewhat monolithic, often lacking a broad spectrum of viewpoints. Female leaders are changing this landscape. They bring a range of experiences and insights that are invaluable in crafting innovative strategies and solutions. This diversity in thought isn’t just about gender; it involves a holistic approach to problem-solving, acknowledging various cultural, educational, and experiential backgrounds.

Take for example Indra Nooyi, the former CEO of PepsiCo. Her leadership journey is a testament to the power of diversity in the corporate world. Born in India and rising to lead a global giant, Nooyi’s story is one of breaking barriers and challenging norms. Her approach to leadership was characterized by innovative strategies and a deep commitment to sustainable practices, demonstrating how diverse perspectives can lead to groundbreaking changes in business operations.

Science and Technology

Who says tech talk is just for the guys? In the traditionally male-dominated fields of science and technology, top female voices are emerging not only as contributors but also as trailblazers and business leaders. These women are redefining the narrative, proving that tech talk isn’t exclusive to one gender.

The contributions of women in tech extend across various domains, from the intricacies of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the critical challenges of climate change. These speakers are adept at breaking down complex scientific concepts, making them accessible and engaging to a broader audience. Their ability to communicate these ideas effectively is crucial in bringing about a deeper understanding and appreciation of technological advancements and their impact on society.

Influential Voices Leading Tech Conversations

  • Dr. Fei-Fei Li: Renowned for her pioneering work in artificial intelligence and machine learning, Dr. Li is not only a respected researcher but also an influential speaker. Her talks, focusing on the human-centered approach to AI and the ethical implications of technological advancements, have made significant impacts at global conferences and educational forums. Dr. Li’s ability to articulate complex AI concepts into relatable narratives has inspired many.
  • Reshma Saujani: Founder of Girls Who Code, Saujani is a prominent advocate for women in technology. Her speeches, often centered around closing the gender gap in technology and empowering young women, are a powerful call to action. Her influential TED Talk on teaching girls bravery, not perfection, has resonated with audiences worldwide, sparking conversations on educational and social reform. This aligns with the messages from best-selling authors and inspirational speakers who advocate for overcoming adversity.
  • Megan Smith: The former Chief Technology Officer of the United States and a former Google executive, Smith is a leading figure in tech innovation. Her speaking engagements often address the intersection of technology, policy, and diversity. Smith’s insights on how technology can be a powerful tool for social change have been influential in shaping perspectives and policies.

Arts and Entertainment

Arts and entertainment has long been a mirror reflecting societal trends and emotions. In this arena, they are emerging as powerful storytellers and cultural influencers. They use their platforms not just to entertain, but to provoke thought, evoke emotions, and challenge societal norms. 

Renowned Female Speakers in Arts and Entertainment

  • Viola Davis: An acclaimed actress and producer, Davis is known for her compelling speeches that often address the intersection of race, gender, and Hollywood. Her powerful narrative style has been evident in various award acceptance speeches, where she highlights the importance of diversity in storytelling and the need for broader representation in the arts. Davis’ words extend beyond the screen, influencing discussions around race and representation in the entertainment industry.
  • J.K. Rowling: Best known for her Harry Potter series, Rowling has transitioned from celebrated author to influential speaker. Her commencement speech at Harvard University, titled “The Fringe Benefits of Failure and the Importance of Imagination,” resonates with many for its themes of resilience, empathy, and the power of imagination. Rowling uses her platform to discuss broader social issues, including mental health and social inequality, making her a prominent voice in both literature and public discourse.
  • Lady Gaga: More than a global pop icon, Lady Gaga has used her reach to speak on a variety of social issues, including mental health, LGBTQ rights, and bullying. Her speeches, whether at award shows, rallies, or through her Born This Way Foundation, reveal her commitment to advocacy and her skill in using storytelling to connect with and inspire her audience. Her powerful delivery and personal anecdotes make her a compelling speaker in the realm of arts and entertainment.

Influence of Female Speakers on Society

An impactful image showcasing the profound influence of female speakers on society, depicting women of various backgrounds standing confidently on stages around the world.
Passion to Podium: Female Speakers Shaping Our World

Changing Perceptions

The influence of female speakers goes way beyond the podium. They’re changing how society views women’s roles and capabilities. Every speech challenges old stereotypes and paves the way for a more inclusive world. These powerful voices serve as a catalyst, breaking down long-standing stereotypes and laying the groundwork for a more inclusive and equitable world.

Female speakers bring diverse experiences and perspectives that challenge the traditional narratives surrounding women’s roles in society. Their speeches often address critical issues such as gender equality, leadership, and empowerment, providing new frameworks for understanding and valuing women’s contributions across various sectors. By doing so, they are dismantling outdated stereotypes and encouraging a more nuanced and progressive view of women’s capabilities.

Inspiring Future Generations

And let’s talk about legacy. These powerhouse women are inspiring the next generation of female leaders. By standing confidently on public stages and voicing their thoughts and ideas, they are showing young girls and women worldwide that their voices are powerful and significant.

These speakers serve as role models, demonstrating that women can be, and indeed are, influential leaders, innovators, and change-makers. Their visibility and success are crucial in motivating young girls to aspire to leadership roles and to see themselves as capable of making meaningful contributions to society. This inspiration is essential for cultivating a new generation of female leaders who are confident, capable, and ready to take on the world.

Tips for Aspiring Women Speakers

Cultivating a distinct oersonal brand as a keynote speaker or entrepreneur often involves the guidance of a speakers bureau to navigate the public speaking landscape successfully.

For women embarking on a journey in public speaking, the creation and nurturing of a personal brand is crucial. This goes beyond mere recognition. It’s more importantly about creating a lasting impression that resonates with your audience.

Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Define Your Unique Voice: Your speaking style, the subjects you choose, and how you present your ideas contribute to your distinctive voice. It’s important to be authentic and consistent in your approach, ensuring that your audience knows what to expect from you.
  • Align With Causes That Matter: The issues you advocate for can define your brand. Choose causes that are close to your heart and align with your values. This not only adds depth to your brand but also helps in connecting with like-minded audiences.
  • Develop a Visual Style: Your visual presentation, including your attire and any visual aids you use, should complement your brand identity. A consistent visual style helps in making you more recognizable and memorable.
  • Leveraging Digital Platforms: In this digital age, utilizing online platforms can be a powerful tool for building your brand and reaching a wider audience. Create content, such as blogs, podcasts, or videos, that aligns with your brand and share your insights and experiences. Engaging with your audience through social media can also provide valuable opportunities for growth and feedback.

Committing to Continuous Learning

The path to becoming a successful speaker involves constant learning and evolution. The most effective speakers are those who remain students at heart, continually updating their knowledge and refining their skills.

Below are some strategies to ensure ongoing growth:

  • Stay Informed of Industry Trends: Keeping up with the latest trends in public speaking and your field of expertise is vital. This ensures your content is relevant and you are using the most effective methods to engage with your audience.
  • Seek Feedback and Mentorship: Constructive feedback is invaluable for growth. Engage with mentors, peers, or even your audience to gain insights into your performance and areas for improvement.
  • Invest in Skill Development: Attend workshops, take courses, and read extensively. Skills like storytelling, effective communication, and audience engagement are crucial for a public speaker. Continuously working on these can significantly enhance your effectiveness.

Preparing for Public Speaking

Overcoming Nervousness

Public speaking is a universal challenge, and it’s no exception for women stepping onto the stage. The key to overcoming this nervousness lies not in eliminating it, but in harnessing it. Seasoned female speakers demonstrate that it’s perfectly normal to feel butterflies. What truly counts is the courage to stand up and speak despite these feelings. This shift in perspective – viewing nervousness as a source of energy rather than a hindrance – can be transformative.

Embracing Authenticity over Perfection

An important lesson from these experienced speakers is the emphasis on authenticity. The goal isn’t to achieve a flawless performance but to create a genuine connection with the audience. Authenticity builds trust and relatability, making the message more impactful. It’s about embracing imperfections and using personal stories and experiences to engage with the audience on a deeper level.

Honing Effective Communication Skills

The effectiveness of a speech largely hinges on how it’s delivered. The most impactful presenters blend expertise with exceptional communication skills. They understand that it’s not just what you say, but how you say it.

The Power of Clarity and Storytelling in Presentations by Top Female Keynote Speakers

Clear and concise communication is crucial. It involves distilling complex ideas into understandable concepts without oversimplifying them. Alongside clarity, the art of storytelling plays a significant role. A well-told story can captivate an audience, making the message more memorable. These speakers employ narratives to illustrate their points, making their speeches more engaging and relatable.

Charisma: The X-Factor in Speaking

Charisma adds an extra layer to public speaking. It’s that spark of energy and passion that keeps the audience engaged. The best speakers use a mix of enthusiasm, humor, and confidence to create a dynamic and compelling presence. This charisma doesn’t overshadow the content but rather enhances it, ensuring that the message doesn’t just reach the audience but resonates with them.


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Utilizing Technology in Public Speaking

Online Platforms

In today’s digital world, online platforms are the new stages. The power of the internet allows speakers to connect with diverse audiences across different time zones and geographies, making their messages more accessible and far-reaching.

Women from various backgrounds and locations, who might not have had the opportunity to speak on traditional stages, now have the chance to share their insights and stories with a worldwide audience. This inclusivity enriches the public discourse, bringing a wider array of perspectives and experiences to the forefront.

Interactive Tools

Interactive Q&A sessions and live polls are powerful tools that transform passive listeners into active participants. These tools enable speakers to gauge audience reactions in real-time, tailor their content to audience preferences, and foster a more engaging and personalized experience. For women in public speaking, these technologies provide a platform to address audience queries directly, making their speeches more relevant and impactful.

The Future of Female Public Speaking

Trends and Predictions

We are witnessing an era where diversity, inclusivity, and the proliferation of digital platforms are creating unprecedented opportunities for women to voice their ideas and lead conversations. The trajectory is clear: the world is listening, and it’s eager for what women have to say.

The Rise of Diverse and Inclusive Platforms

  • Emergence of Digital Stages: With the advent of online platforms and social media, women have more avenues than ever to share their insights and stories. These digital stages are breaking geographical barriers, allowing female speakers to reach a global audience.
  • Increased Representation in Traditional Forums: Conferences, seminars, and public events are gradually but steadily embracing gender diversity. This shift is vital in ensuring that female voices are not just heard but are influential in shaping dialogues across various sectors.

The Growing Importance of Diversity

The growing emphasis on diversity in public speaking is not a mere trend, but a crucial evolution. Diversity in voices, especially the inclusion of women from different backgrounds, cultures, and disciplines, is essential for a holistic and rich discourse.

Enriching Conversations with Varied Perspectives

  • Bringing New Insights: The variety of perspectives that women bring to the table is invaluable. From addressing global challenges to discussing technological innovations, the diverse viewpoints of women enrich the conversation and lead to more comprehensive solutions.
  • Driving Innovation and Change: The unique experiences and insights of women in public speaking can be catalysts for innovation and social change. Diverse perspectives often challenge the status quo and inspire new ways of thinking.

Materials for Women Presenters

The journey to becoming an accomplished female public speaker is rich with resources designed to refine and enhance speaking skills. These tools, ranging from insightful books to comprehensive online courses, provide valuable knowledge and practical guidance, making the path to success more accessible and rewarding. Check the following for resource ideas:

Books by Experienced Speakers

  • Inspirational Reads: There are numerous books written by successful female public speakers that offer a wealth of advice, from crafting compelling narratives to overcoming stage fright. Titles such as “Speak Like a Leader” by Carol Kinsey Goman, or “The Art of Public Speaking” by Dale Carnegie, provide insights into the art of effective communication.
  • Practical Guides: Look for books that offer practical tips and exercises. “Talk Like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds” by Carmine Gallo, for instance, offers actionable advice drawn from the most popular TED Talks.

Online Courses for Skill Development

  • Comprehensive Learning Platforms: Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer a range of courses in public speaking tailored to different skill levels. These courses often cover various aspects of speaking, including body language, voice modulation, and audience engagement.
  • Specialized Workshops: Many seasoned public speakers and communication experts offer specialized online workshops and webinars. These focused sessions can provide deeper insights into specific areas of public speaking, such as persuasive speaking, storytelling techniques, or virtual presentation skills.

Community and Networking

  • Local and Online Groups: Organizations such as Toastmasters International or The Public Speaking Project offer both local chapters and online communities where members can practice their skills and receive feedback in a supportive environment.
  • Women-Specific Networks: There are networks and groups specifically for women in public speaking, such as The Professional Woman Speaker’s Community or Women Talk Design. These groups focus on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by women in the field, offering targeted support and resources.

Mentorship and Other Opportunities

  • Mentorship Programs: Many speaking communities offer mentorship programs, connecting emerging speakers with experienced professionals. These relationships can be instrumental in guiding and accelerating your growth as a speaker.
  • Access to Speaking Opportunities: Being part of these networks often opens doors to speaking opportunities. Many organizations host events or collaborate with conferences, providing platforms for members to showcase their skills.


In conclusion, the ascent of female voices to the forefront of public speaking is a testament to their resilience, expertise, and the unique perspectives they bring to the global stage. Women have traversed from being mere spectators to becoming pivotal influencers, reshaping narratives and inspiring change across various domains. Their journeys underscore the transformative power of voice and presence, reminding us of the untapped potential that lies in fostering diversity and inclusion in every conversation.

As we continue to champion for a world where every voice is heard and valued, the role of female speakers in enriching dialogues and pioneering change cannot be overstated. Their contributions are not just milestones but also stepping stones for future generations of women who dare to speak and lead.

Gotham Artists recognizes the indispensable impact of these voices and is committed to amplifying them. By choosing to hire female speakers for your next event, you are not only diversifying your platform but also enriching your audience’s experience with profound insights, compelling stories, and the transformative power of perspective.

Let us help you in making your next event a beacon of inspiration, education, and empowerment. Contact Gotham Artists today to find the perfect female speaker who will not just speak but will resonate, inspire, and lead. Together, let’s continue to break barriers and build bridges, one speech at a time.


Who are some famous female public speakers?

Famous female public speakers include historical figures like Eleanor Roosevelt and contemporary influencers like Oprah Winfrey. Each has contributed significantly to various fields, using their platform to inspire and enact change.

What challenges do they face?

Female public speakers often encounter gender bias and stereotypes, which can impact their opportunities and audience reception. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience and a strong personal brand.

How can one become a successful speaker?

Success in public speaking involves mastering effective communication skills, developing a unique message, and building a strong personal brand. Continuous learning and adapting to audience needs are also crucial.

What impact have women public speakers had on society?

Female public speakers have significantly influenced society by advocating for important issues, breaking down gender barriers, and inspiring future generations. Their contributions have been pivotal in areas like politics, social justice, and education.

Can public speaking help in career advancement for women?

Absolutely. Public speaking can be a powerful tool for career advancement. It enhances visibility, establishes credibility, and can open doors to new opportunities and networks.

What are some tips for aspiring female public speakers?

Aspiring female speakers should focus on finding their authentic voice, understanding their audience, practicing consistently, and staying updated on their topic of expertise. Networking and seeking mentors in the field can also be beneficial.

How can women overcome the fear of public speaking?

Overcoming the fear of public speaking involves practice, seeking feedback, focusing on the message rather than the self, and gradually facing larger audiences. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also help manage anxiety.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.