Mindful Leadership Expert , Motivational Speaker, Author, Urban Monk

Pandit Dasa
Speaking Fee: $10,000 to $20,000

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Pandit Dasa At A Glance:

Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, motivational keynote speaker and author. Pandit helps organizations improve employee engagement, retention and workplace happiness. He does this by inspiring organizations to create a mindful workplace culture by encouraging his audiences to lead by example, appreciate the contributions of their colleagues, communicate mindfully and manage one’s emotions.

Pandit Dasa is a Mindful Leadership Expert, motivational keynote speaker and author. Pandit helps organizations improve employee engagement, retention and workplace happiness. He does this by inspiring organizations to create a mindful workplace culture by encouraging his audiences to lead by example, appreciate the contributions of their colleagues, communicate mindfully and manage one’s emotions. He helps individuals develop positive leadership qualities, lower stress and anxiety, increase focus and productivity and boost emotional intelligence.

He also engages the audiences in various breathing and focusing exercises that individuals can implement at work and at home to boost focus and clarity. In his book, Urban Monk, Pandit writes about the turning point in his life that came after his family lost their multimillion-dollar business, which ultimately led him to living as a monk for 15 years in New York City.

  • Mindfulness and Resilience for Managing Stress and Uncertainty

    Pandit says: “During our current time of change and uncertainty, our stress and anxiety levels can go through the roof. It is absolutely crucial for us to be able to maintain our physical, mental, and emotional health so we can take care of ourselves, our family, and remain productive in our professional life.”

    Participants will learn the science behind mindfulness and will be virtually guided through a variety of mindfulness practices for reducing stress, improving productivity, and emotional intelligence.

    What to expect from this timely virtual keynote:

    1. Learn about Pandit’s journey to mindfulness

    2. Understanding your mind, thoughts, and emotions

    3. Practical tips on dealing with stress during social isolation and working remotely

    4. Useful research on mindfulness

    5. Guided mindfulness practices
  • Creating a Mindful and Positive Workplace Culture

    The growth and overall success of an organization is defined by its culture and leadership. A positive workplace culture enhances teamwork, collaboration and morale. As a result it boosts employee engagement, efficiency and retention.

    This presentation will address the importance of creating an environment where ego battles aren’t driving the company down and where individuals are willing to put aside their own self-interest for the sake of the greater good. It encourages an environment where individuals are willing to appreciate the contributions of their co-workers instead of feeling threatened by them. The research on mindfulness and its application for the workplace will also be presented.

    As a result of this keynote, the audience will be able to:

    Communicate with awareness, clarity and compassion
    Manage their emotions to handle conflicts
    Develop a positive mindset towards individuals they don’t see eye-to-eye with
    Express appreciation towards the work of their colleagues
    Utilize mindfulness breathing and focusing techniques to lower stress and improve productivity

    The audience will learn the value and keys of communicating with awareness, clarity and compassion while taking into account the impact positive and negative communication can have on workplace relationships.

    Participants will walk away with a deeper understanding of the importance to appreciating their direct reports and colleagues to create an environment of trust and collaboration.
  • Mindful Leadership: Walking the Talk and Developing Self-Awareness

    Leaders set the tone and mood for the rest of the organization. To fully inspire and bring out the best from the workforce, leadership has to lead by example and “walk the talk.” They can’t say one thing and do another. To attract, engage and retain top talent, leaders need to create more human and employee-centered workplace environments.

    This talk will address the importance for leadership of all levels to not only set the right example, but also, on a regular basis, appreciate the contributions of their workforce, communicate mindfully to encourage and inspire, lead with humility and without ego and manage their emotions. The research on mindfulness and its application for the workplace will also be presented.

    After this keynote, participants will be able to:
    Improve their level of self-awareness
    Communicate mindfully and with compassion
    Lead with confidence combined with humility
    Better manage their emotions to remain calm during challenging situations
    Implement mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and improve focus and productivity

    This program is perfect for:

    -All levels of leadership
    -General workforce

    We spend more than half of our waking time doing work related activities. Workplace stress is costing businesses over $300 billions dollars and is leading to absenteeism, turnover and increased healthcare costs. Mindfulness is being employed by companies such as Google, General Mills, Salesforce.com, Novartis and many others because the research is showing it can reduce stress, anxiety, depression and can improve focus, productivity and enhance employee happiness. This talk will present the research on Mindfulness and how it can be used by companies to create a more positive work environment. Participants will also learn mindfulness breathing and focusing techniques that can be used at work and at home.

    The audience will leave with:
    -Importance of Positive Relationships
    -The myth of multitasking
    -Healthy Eating
    -Unplugged Sleep
    -Regular Exercise

    Maintaining a Personal Hobby
    This talk will present the scientific research on Mindfulness and how it can be used by organizations to create a more positive work environment. Participants will also learn mindfulness breathing and focusing techniques that can be used at work and at home.

    This talk is perfect for all audiences.
    Change breaks us out of our comfort zone and disrupts our routine making us feel uncomfortable. However, change is the biggest constant in our life. Most external changes are out of our control and can’t be avoided. What we can do is build resilience and begin to recognize that change is actually the most powerful thing that can happen to us to help us grow, mature and become stronger for the future challenges that are sure to come in our personal and professional life.
    This talk will help the audience understand practical ways in which our mindset can be shifted to see change as positive and not as a negative and help us accept the inevitability of change.

    The audience will walk away with:
    -Tips on how to shift our mindset to learn and grow from life's challenges.
    -Embrace change and stay focused on our goal.
    -Learning to strengthen the mind and develop a positive mindset.
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