At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.


Picture this: You’re at the helm of organizing an event. The venue is perfect and the program is set, but there’s one crucial element that can make or break its success – the speaker.

The right speaker can captivate your audience, but the big question looms – how much will it cost?

Finding the right balance in speaker fees is critical—not too low to compromise quality, yet not so high it strains your budget.

This guide will help make sense of the fees (sometimes referred to as honoraria) associated with securing various types of speakers. Our goal is to help ensure your event is a success without the stress of speaker selection missteps.

Let’s get into it!

Understanding Speaker Fees: An Overview

A group of people listening to an event speaker attentively.
Understanding speaker fees: a guide to budgeting for event speakers

Deciding how much to pay your speaker is a crucial element of event planning. This section offers an overview to help you confidently navigate this tricky subject.

Types of Speakers

From the standpoint of fee structure, speakers can be broadly categorized into two groups:

1. General Categories of Speakers

This includes motivational, keynote, and virtual speakers. Each type brings unique qualities and expertise:

  • Keynote Speakers: Often the highlight of events, they are usually industry leaders or experts whose insights can significantly impact the audience. They often demand higher fees due to their expertise and the substantial value they bring.
  • Motivational Speakers: Known for their ability to inspire and uplift, these speakers use personal stories and powerful rhetoric to connect deeply with attendees, often commanding higher fees for their emotional impact and recognition.
  • Virtual Speakers: Essential in today’s digital landscape, their fees may be lower than in-person speakers due to a lack of travel costs. But those in high demand still command what they’re worth, especially if they offer interactive and technically enhanced presentations.

The following table outlines typical fee ranges for various types of speakers.

Disclaimer: The fee ranges provided here guidelines. It should be noted that actual fees may vary, and there are outliers who might command fees outside these typical ranges. Please contact us with your specific event details and requirements, and we are happy to provide you with a precise quote.

Type of SpeakerDescriptionApproximate Fee Range
Keynote SpeakersIndustry leaders or experts who provide valuable insights and are often the highlight of an event. They add significant value with their expertise.$5,000 – $50,000+
Motivational SpeakersSpeakers who inspire and uplift the audience using personal stories and powerful rhetoric. They are known for their emotional impact.$2,000 – $30,000+
Virtual SpeakersSpecialists in delivering content through digital platforms, often requiring less logistical expense but maintaining high engagement.$1,000 – $15,000+
These ranges are indicative and can vary widely based on the speaker’s recognition, demand, and the specific requirements of the event.

2. Speakers by Niche

Tailored to specific interests and industries, these include:

  • African American / Cultural Speakers, Christian / Faith Based Speakers, Business and Corporate Speakers: Experts in their fields who address topics relevant to their audiences’ cultural, spiritual, or business interests.
  • Celebrity and Sports Speakers, Educational and Youth Speakers: These speakers draw from their public personas or educational backgrounds to engage and inspire.
  • Female / Women’s Issues Speakers, Mental Health and Healthcare Speakers, Military Speakers: Focus on issues pertinent to their expertise or experiences, whether it’s gender-focused topics, health issues, or military experiences.
  • Innovation Speakers, Sales Speakers, Leadership Speakers: Specialize in driving new ideas, enhancing sales skills, or leadership qualities.

Here is a table detailing the usual fee ranges for speakers categorized by specific niches.

Disclaimer: The fees listed in this table are intended as general approximations. Actual speaker fees may differ, including outliers who may charge beyond these standard ranges.

NicheDescriptionFee Range
African American SpeakersSpeakers who focus on topics relevant to African American culture and experiences.$2,000 – $20,000+
Christian And Faith Based SpeakersSpeakers that address spiritual and faith-based topics within the Christian community.$1,500 – $15,000+
Business/Corporate SpeakersExperts who discuss topics pertinent to business trends, corporate strategies, and leadership.$5,000 – $50,000+
Celebrity/Sports SpeakersHigh-profile personalities sharing insights based on their public experiences and achievements.$10,000 – $100,000+
Educational/Youth SpeakersSpeakers focusing on educational methods, youth empowerment, and learning strategies.$1,000 – $10,000+
Female SpeakersSpeakers who address issues specific to women, including leadership and empowerment topics.$2,000 – $25,000+
Mental Health/Healthcare SpeakersExperts discussing mental health awareness, healthcare practices, and patient care.$2,000 – $20,000+
Military SpeakersIndividuals sharing experiences and lessons from military service and leadership.$1,500 – $15,000+
Innovation SpeakersPioneers discussing cutting-edge innovations, technology trends, and future forecasting.$5,000 – $25,000+
Sales SpeakersProfessionals specializing in sales strategies, customer engagement, and business growth.$3,000 – $20,000+
Leadership SpeakersLeaders offering insights on effective leadership, team building, and organizational culture.$5,000 – $50,000+
This table provides an overview, with fee ranges that are approximate and can vary significantly based on the speaker’s profile, event size, and specific engagement requirements.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

Factors Influencing Speaker Fees

Speaker fees are determined by a range of factors, each crucial in shaping the overall cost. Understanding these elements is key to making informed decisions about speaker selection and budgeting, ensuring a strategic fit for your event. Let’s explore what influences these fees.

  1. Speaker’s Reputation and Demand

Speaker fees currently range widely, depending on factors such as the speaker’s renown, subject expertise, market demand, and event type. Fees can vary from a few thousand dollars for emerging professionals to tens of thousands for high-profile speakers.

The 2023 Speaking Industry Benchmark Report reveals that for speakers with more than 10 years of experience, the average fee is $16,659, signifying the impact of a speaker’s reputation and demand on their fee.

  1. Event’s Scale and Audience Size

The scale of the event and the target audience influence speaker fees. Larger events or those targeting a high-profile audience may necessitate a more substantial budget for speakers.

The report mentioned above also highlighted that for larger events, particularly corporate and university gatherings, the budget for a keynote speaker averages around $26,582.88, reflecting the importance of event scale in determining speaker fees.

  1. Customization and Preparation

The extent to which a speaker tailors their presentation for an event impacts their fee. Custom content that requires in-depth research and adaptation to the specific audience or theme of the event involves additional preparation time and effort, thus influencing fees.

  1. Duration of Engagement

The length and nature of the speaker’s commitment (keynotes, workshops, panel discussions) affect their fees. Longer or multi-faceted engagements typically incur higher costs.

  1. Travel and Logistics

For in-person speaking engagements, logistical costs such as travel, accommodation, and on-site requirements can add to the total cost of hiring a speaker. These expenses can vary significantly based on the location of the event, the speaker’s home base, and the standard of accommodation expected by the speaker.

  1. Fluctuations Due to Economic Conditions

Economic factors, including inflation and market downturns, impact speaker fees. During economic uncertainty, some speakers may lower their fees, while others maintain or even increase their rates based on demand.

  1. Exclusivity and Non-Compete Agreements

If a speaker agrees to exclusivity terms, such as not engaging with competing events or in the same region for a certain period, this can impact their fee. Exclusivity agreements often warrant a higher fee due to the potential loss of other speaking opportunities.

By understanding these factors, event planners can make informed decisions about speaker selection and budgeting, ensuring the best fit for their event while maintaining financial viability.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

How to Budget for Your Event’s Speaker

Two colleagues in front of their laptops with some papers and pens in front of them while they are planning their budget for their event, including the speaker fees.
Understanding speaker fees: a guide to budgeting for event speakers

Budgeting for a speaker is an important aspect of event planning, requiring a delicate balance between financial constraints and the need for a speaker who can effectively achieve the desired impact.

At Gotham Artists, our extensive experience in the industry informs our strategic approaches to budgeting for various types of speakers. This section leverages our experience to guide you through how to budget for your speaker.

Establishing a Speaker Budget Framework

Creating a speaker budget requires a strategic approach, taking into account your event’s goals, market rates, and the speaker’s role in the event’s success. This introduction will guide you through the key steps in formulating a budget that aligns with your event’s objectives and ensures all related costs are considered effectively.

  1. Define Event Goals and Speaker Role

Begin by clearly defining the objectives of your event. Is the speaker meant to educate, inspire, or entertain? Will the speaker be a major draw, or are they part of a larger program? The goal will influence the type of speaker you need and, consequently, the budget.

  1. Understand Market Rates

Research current market rates for speakers in your industry or your particular event type. Look into different categories, such as industry experts, celebrities, or motivational speakers to get a sense of the fee spectrum.

A recent industry survey notes that for in-person events, the average fee for a keynote speaker is $15,551, but a significant majority (52.4%) of speakers charge less than $10,000, indicating a wide range in the market rates for speakers.

Consider variations in fees based on factors like event format, speaker popularity, and topic relevance. This will give you a baseline for understanding what you might expect to pay.

  1. Allocate Funds Based on Event Priorities

Determine how crucial the speaker is to your event’s success. For some events, the speaker may be the main draw, warranting a larger portion of the budget. In other cases, the speaker might play a supporting role to other elements.

  1. Consider Additional Speaker-Related Costs

Don’t forget to factor in additional costs such as travel and accommodation for in-person speakers, or technical setup costs for virtual speakers.

Practical Tips for Speaker Fee Budgeting

Let’s lay out some practical tips for event planners and organizers. Creating a budget that accommodates both the financial aspects and the overall success of your event is make or break.

  • Start Early: Start the budgeting and booking process as early as possible. Early engagement with potential speakers can provide more room for negotiation and potentially lower fees compared to last-minute bookings.
  • Flexibility and Contingency Planning: Build flexibility into your speaker budget to accommodate unexpected costs or opportunities to upgrade to a more prestigious speaker. Include a contingency fund (typically 10-20% of the speaker’s fee) to cover unforeseen expenses, such as last-minute travel changes or additional equipment requirements.
  • Consider Alternative Funding Sources and Cost-Sharing Strategies: Look for sponsorship opportunities or partnerships that can help offset speaker costs. This can be particularly effective for high-profile speakers. For events involving multiple organizations, consider cost-sharing arrangements to afford a higher-caliber speaker.
  • Balance Cost with Value: Always weigh the cost of the speaker against the value they bring to your event. A more expensive speaker who significantly elevates your event might be worth the investment. Consider the return on investment (ROI) the speaker brings. A more expensive speaker who significantly boosts attendance or satisfaction might offer better ROI than a less costly alternative. Assess past events and industry benchmarks to gauge potential ROI.

By following these guidelines, you can create a well-thought-out budget for your event’s speakers, ensuring that you allocate funds effectively to achieve the best possible outcome for your event.

Here are some popular keynote speakers with fees that you might be interested in booking for your event!

African American Speakers

Cassandra Worthy – Expert in change enthusiasm and motivational speaking, guiding organizations through transformational periods. Click here for Cassandra Worthy’s speaking fee.

Eric Thomas – Renowned motivational speaker, author, and minister known for his powerful and inspiring speeches. Click here for Eric Thomas’s speaking fee.

Les Brown – Celebrated motivational speaker, author, and former politician, known for his empowering messages on overcoming adversity. Click here for Les Brown’s speaking fee.

Tiffany Dufu – Leadership and women’s empowerment advocate, author of “Drop the Ball,” and a dynamic speaker on gender equity. Click here for Tiffany Dufu’s speaking fee.

DeRay Mckesson – Civil rights activist, author, and educator who addresses social justice issues and systemic change. Click here for DeRay Mckesson’s speaking fee.

Roland Fryer – Harvard University economics professor and speaker on topics of race, economics, and education. Click here for Roland Fryer’s speaking fee.

Iyanla Vanzant – Inspirational speaker, lawyer, spiritual teacher, and author, known for her work on personal growth and empowerment. Click here for Iyanla Vanzant’s speaking fee.

Bakari Sellers – Attorney, political commentator, and former politician known for his insights into American politics and civil rights. Click here for Bakari Sellers’s speaking fee.

Mellody Hobson – Businesswoman and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, speaking on financial literacy, investing, and leadership. Click here for Mellody Hobson’s speaking fee.

Robert F. Smith – Billionaire businessman, philanthropist, and founder of Vista Equity Partners, offering insights into business and philanthropy. Click here for Robert F. Smith’s speaking fee.

Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour – America’s first African American female combat pilot, motivational speaker on leadership and resilience. Click here for Vernice “FlyGirl” Armour’s speaking fee.

Desiree Rogers – Business executive and former White House Social Secretary, speaker on business strategy and leadership. Click here for Desiree Rogers’s speaking fee.

James Baldwin – Celebrated writer and speaker whose works and speeches address race, identity, and social issues. Click here for James Baldwin’s speaking fee.

Ava DuVernay – Filmmaker and speaker on storytelling, diversity in media, and social justice. Click here for Ava DuVernay’s speaking fee.

Bryan Stevenson – Attorney, social justice activist, founder of the Equal Justice Initiative, and speaker on criminal justice reform. Click here for Bryan Stevenson’s speaking fee.

Wanda Sykes – Comedian, actress, and writer known for her humorous yet insightful takes on politics, race, and society. Click here for Wanda Sykes’s speaking fee.

Yusef Salaam – Member of the Exonerated Five, speaker on criminal justice reform, and advocate for the wrongfully convicted. Click here for Yusef Salaam’s speaking fee.

Kwame Anthony Appiah – Philosopher, cultural theorist, and writer speaking on ethics, identity, and cosmopolitanism. Click here for Kwame Anthony Appiah’s speaking fee.

Luvvie Ajayi Jones – Author, speaker, and digital strategist known for her wit and commentary on culture, race, and social justice. Click here for Luvvie Ajayi Jones’s speaking fee.

Christian And Faith Based Speakers

Reggie Dabbs – Renowned motivational speaker known for his inspiring talks on faith, hope, and overcoming life’s challenges. Click here for Reggie Dabbs’s speaking fee.

TD Jakes – Influential pastor, author, and filmmaker, TD Jakes delivers powerful messages on faith, leadership, and personal growth. Click here for TD Jakes’s speaking fee.

Kirk Cameron – Actor and Christian speaker, Kirk is known for his faith-based messages and work in promoting Christian values. Click here for Kirk Cameron’s speaking fee.

Bob Goff – Author and motivational speaker, Bob inspires with his stories about love, faith, and living a life of purpose. Click here for Bob Goff’s speaking fee.

Joyce Meyer – Christian author and speaker who focuses on practical Bible teachings and personal growth through faith. Click here for Joyce Meyer’s speaking fee.

Sarah Jakes Roberts – Author, motivational speaker, and co-pastor of The Potter’s House at One LA, known for her empowering messages to women. Click here for Sarah Jakes Roberts’s speaking fee.

Laila Ali – Former professional boxer and daughter of Muhammad Ali, Laila speaks on faith, fitness, and empowerment. Click here for Laila Ali’s speaking fee.

Marc Prensky – Author and innovator, Marc speaks on faith, education, and preparing for the future. Click here for Marc Prensky’s speaking fee.

Stephen Harvill – Expert on faith and leadership, Stephen Harvill shares insights on integrating faith principles into personal and professional development. Click here for Stephen Harvill’s speaking fee.

Mona Sutphen – Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff, Mona Sutphen speaks on faith’s role in leadership and governance. Click here for Mona Sutphen’s speaking fee.

Louie Giglio – Pastor and author, Louie speaks on faith, mental health, and overcoming challenges. Click here for Louie Giglio’s speaking fee.

Business and Corporate Speakers

Sam Altman – CEO of OpenAI and former president of Y Combinator, Sam discusses innovation, entrepreneurship, and the future of technology. Click here for Sam Altman’s speaking fee.

Michael Milken – Financier and philanthropist, Michael shares his knowledge on finance, health, and education. Click here for Michael Milken’s speaking fee.

Andy Slavitt – Former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Andy speaks on healthcare, policy, and business. Click here for Andy Slavitt’s speaking fee.

Ann Rhoades – Co-founder of JetBlue Airways and author, Ann offers her expertise on corporate culture and leadership. Click here for Ann Rhoades’s speaking fee.

Peter Bregman – CEO of Bregman Partners and author, Peter speaks on leadership, personal development, and organizational effectiveness. Click here for Peter Bregman’s speaking fee.

Nancy Koehn – Historian at Harvard Business School, Nancy discusses leadership lessons from history and their applications in modern business. Click here for Nancy Koehn’s speaking fee.

Vonda Wright – Orthopedic surgeon and author, Vonda speaks on health, wellness, and optimizing performance in business and life. Click here for Vonda Wright’s speaking fee.

Tom Donohue – Former CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue provides insights on business strategy, leadership, and economic growth. Click here for Tom Donohue’s speaking fee.

Richard Fisher – Former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Richard Fisher offers expert analysis on economic trends and corporate strategy. Click here for Richard Fisher’s speaking fee.

Michelle Diamond – Business growth strategist and author, Michelle Diamond specializes in scaling businesses and driving corporate success. Click here for Michelle Diamond’s speaking fee.

Steve Case – Co-founder of AOL and venture capitalist, Steve Case shares his experiences in entrepreneurship, innovation, and corporate leadership. Click here for Steve Case’s speaking fee.

Stephen Hayes – Political commentator and author, Stephen Hayes discusses the intersection of politics and business, providing strategies for navigating corporate challenges. Click here for Stephen Hayes’s speaking fee.

Ian Khan – Technology futurist and author, Ian Khan discusses the future of business and the impact of emerging technologies on corporate strategy. Click here for Ian Khan’s speaking fee.

Hans Nichols – Journalist and political analyst, Hans Nichols offers insights into the impact of political developments on the business landscape. Click here for Hans Nichols’s speaking fee.

Richard Clarida – Economist and former Vice Chair of the Federal Reserve, Richard Clarida speaks on economic policy and its implications for business strategy. Click here for Richard Clarida’s speaking fee.

Celebrity and Sports Speakers

Matthew McConaughey – Actor and author known for his roles in films and his book “Greenlights,” sharing insights on life and success. Click here for Matthew McConaughey’s speaking fee.

Serena Williams – Tennis superstar and entrepreneur, Serena shares her journey to the top of her sport and lessons in resilience and leadership. Click here for Serena Williams’s speaking fee.

Kurt Warner – Former NFL quarterback and Hall of Famer, Kurt shares his inspiring story of going from stocking shelves to winning a Super Bowl. Click here for Kurt Warner’s speaking fee.

Trevor Noah – Comedian and host of “The Daily Show,” Trevor shares his perspectives on current events, culture, and his personal journey. Click here for Trevor Noah’s speaking fee.

David Copperfield – World-renowned magician, David shares insights on creativity, persistence, and achieving the impossible. Click here for David Copperfield’s speaking fee.

Phil Lempert – Supermarket guru and food industry analyst, Phil provides expert insights on consumer behavior and food trends. Click here for Phil Lempert’s speaking fee.

John Major – Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, John shares his experiences in leadership and global politics. Click here for John Major’s speaking fee.

Sal Giunta – Medal of Honor recipient, Sal inspires with his story of bravery, sacrifice, and service. Click here for Sal Giunta’s speaking fee.

Simon T. Bailey – Motivational speaker and author, Simon inspires with his insights on personal transformation and leadership. Click here for Simon T. Bailey’s speaking fee.

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Actor, former bodybuilder, and politician, Arnold shares his insights on success, fitness, and leadership. Click here for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s speaking fee.

Educational and Youth Speakers

Denise Hamilton – CEO and founder of WatchHerWork, Denise focuses on leadership, diversity, and inclusion, which are important for creating inclusive educational environments. Click here for Denise Hamilton’s speaking fee.

Daniel Kraft – Physician-scientist and innovator, Daniel speaks on the future of healthcare and technology, important topics for educational curricula in STEM fields. Click here for Daniel Kraft’s speaking fee.

Charles Best – Founder of DonorsChoose.org, Charles is a social entrepreneur who discusses the impact of innovative philanthropy in education. Click here for Charles Best’s speaking fee.

Juliana Schroeder – Behavioral scientist and professor, Juliana Schroeder speaks on human behavior, decision-making, and innovative approaches in education. Click here for Juliana Schroeder’s speaking fee.

Sherri Coale – Former head coach of the University of Oklahoma women’s basketball team, Sherri Coale shares her insights on leadership, teamwork, and achieving excellence in education and sports. Click here for Sherri Coale’s speaking fee.

Esther Wojcicki – Educator and journalist, Esther Wojcicki speaks on raising successful children, innovation in education, and the impact of technology in learning. Click here for Esther Wojcicki’s speaking fee.

Jeffrey Engel – Presidential historian and author, Jeffrey Engel provides perspectives on leadership, politics, and history, emphasizing the importance of understanding the past to inform the future in educational settings. Click here for Jeffrey Engel’s speaking fee.

Female Speakers

Greta Thunberg – Climate activist known for her impactful speeches on environmental issues, Greta educates on the importance of sustainability. Click here for Greta Thunberg’s speaking fee.

Amy Edmondson – Harvard Business School professor and author, Amy speaks on leadership, teamwork, and organizational learning. Click here for Amy Edmondson’s speaking fee.

Amy Vetter – CPA and CEO, Amy speaks on work-life balance, technology, and innovation in the accounting profession. Click here for Amy Vetter’s speaking fee.

Jennifer Aaker – Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Jennifer specializes in marketing and social psychology. Click here for Jennifer Aaker’s speaking fee.

Ellen Latham – Founder of Orangetheory Fitness, Ellen combines faith and fitness in her motivational talks on health and wellness. Click here for Ellen Latham’s speaking fee.

Oprah Winfrey – Media mogul and philanthropist, Oprah shares her experiences in media, leadership, and personal growth. Click here for Oprah Winfrey’s speaking fee.

Brittany Hodak – Entrepreneur and co-founder of The Superfan Company, Brittany Hodak speaks on brand loyalty, customer engagement, and the power of storytelling. Click here for Brittany Hodak’s speaking fee.

Jenna Arnold – Co-founder of ORGANIZE and author of “Raising Our Hands,” Jenna Arnold addresses social justice, women’s empowerment, and activism. Click here for Jenna Arnold’s speaking fee.

Silvia Garcia – Former Global Director of the Happiness Institute at Coca-Cola, Silvia Garcia speaks on happiness, well-being, and creating positive work environments. Click here for Silvia Garcia’s speaking fee.

Amanda Lipp – Filmmaker and mental health advocate, Amanda Lipp shares her experiences and insights on mental health, storytelling, and social change. Click here for Amanda Lipp’s speaking fee.

Sarah Hernholm – Founder of WIT (Whatever It Takes), Sarah Hernholm speaks on youth entrepreneurship, education, and empowering young people to create social impact. Click here for Sarah Hernholm’s speaking fee.

Mona Sutphen – Former White House Deputy Chief of Staff and policy expert, Mona Sutphen addresses global affairs, leadership, and women’s roles in government and business. Click here for Mona Sutphen’s speaking fee.

Paula Zahn – Emmy Award-winning journalist and producer, Paula speaks on media, storytelling, and current events. Click here for Paula Zahn’s speaking fee.

Mental Health and Healthcare Speakers

Ben Carson – Renowned neurosurgeon and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Ben shares his expertise on healthcare and overcoming adversity. Click here for Ben Carson’s speaking fee.

Jon Acuff – Author and motivational speaker, Jon focuses on personal development, mental health, and achieving goals. Click here for Jon Acuff’s speaking fee.

Ashley Reichheld – Expert in customer experience and employee engagement, Ashley Reichheld speaks on the importance of mental health in creating positive work environments. Click here for Ashley Reichheld’s speaking fee.

Becky Kennedy – Clinical psychologist and author, Becky Kennedy addresses mental health, emotional well-being, and strategies for building resilience. Click here for Becky Kennedy’s speaking fee.

Jessica Kriegel – Organizational culture expert, Jessica discusses mental health, workplace culture, and leadership. Click here for Jessica Kriegel’s speaking fee.

Megan Rapinoe – Professional soccer player and activist, Megan speaks on mental health, resilience, and equality. Click here for Megan Rapinoe’s speaking fee.

Mel Robbins – Author and motivational speaker, Mel focuses on mental health, personal development, and achieving goals. Click here for Mel Robbins’s speaking fee.

Leana Wen – Physician and public health leader, Leana speaks on healthcare, public health policy, and mental health. Click here for Leana Wen’s speaking fee.

David Goggins – Former Navy SEAL and endurance athlete, David speaks on mental toughness, overcoming obstacles, and resilience. Click here for David Goggins’s speaking fee.

Nicole Malachowski – Former Air Force Colonel and fighter pilot, Nicole shares her journey of overcoming illness and speaks on mental health and resilience. Click here for Nicole Malachowski’s speaking fee.

Claire Shipman – Journalist and author, Claire focuses on mental health, confidence, and leadership, particularly for women. Click here for Claire Shipman’s speaking fee.

Amy Cuddy – Social psychologist and author, Amy speaks on body language, presence, and the connection between mental health and personal success. Click here for Amy Cuddy’s speaking fee.

Military Speakers

Admiral William McRaven – Former U.S. Navy Admiral and commander of U.S. Special Operations Command, Admiral McRaven is known for his leadership in military operations and his inspiring speeches on leadership and perseverance. Click here for Admiral William McRaven’s speaking fee.

Rob O’Neill – Former U.S. Navy SEAL Team Six member, Rob O’Neill is known for his role in the mission that killed Osama bin Laden. He speaks on teamwork, leadership, and decision-making under pressure. Click here for Rob O’Neill’s speaking fee.

Lori Robinson – Retired Air Force General and the first woman to lead a major Unified Combatant Command in the history of the United States Armed Forces, Lori Robinson speaks on leadership, national security, and the role of women in the military. Click here for Lori Robinson’s speaking fee.

Michèle Flournoy – Former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Michèle Flournoy addresses topics such as national security, military strategy, and leadership in complex environments. Click here for Michèle Flournoy’s speaking fee.

Thomas Sowell – Renowned economist and author, Thomas Sowell offers insights on economic policy, social theory, and the implications of military decisions on national and global scales. Click here for Thomas Sowell’s speaking fee.

John Kriesel – A veteran of the Minnesota Army National Guard who lost both legs in an explosion in Iraq, John Kriesel speaks about resilience, overcoming adversity, and living life to the fullest. Click here for John Kriesel’s speaking fee.

Sal Giunta – Former U.S. Army soldier and Medal of Honor recipient for his actions in Afghanistan, Sal Giunta speaks about bravery, teamwork, and leadership. Click here for Sal Giunta’s speaking fee.

Martin Dempsey – Retired U.S. Army General and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Martin Dempsey speaks on leadership, national security, and global affairs. Click here for Martin Dempsey’s speaking fee.

Mike Mullen – Retired U.S. Navy Admiral and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mike Mullen focuses on leadership, global security, and strategic planning. Click here for Mike Mullen’s speaking fee.

David Petraeus – Retired U.S. Army General and former CIA Director, David Petraeus speaks on leadership, counterterrorism, and international affairs. Click here for David Petraeus’s speaking fee.

Kyle Carpenter – Retired U.S. Marine Corps Corporal and Medal of Honor recipient, Kyle Carpenter shares his story of heroism, resilience, and recovery after being severely wounded in Afghanistan. Click here for Kyle Carpenter’s speaking fee.

Israel Del Toro – A retired Air Force Senior Master Sergeant, Israel Del Toro was severely injured in Afghanistan. He now speaks about resilience, overcoming adversity, and his journey to recovery. Click here for Israel Del Toro’s speaking fee.

Mike Huckabee – While not directly a military speaker, Mike Huckabee is a former governor and political commentator who often discusses national security and military issues in his speeches. Click here for Mike Huckabee’s speaking fee.

Thomas Kolditz – A retired Brigadier General, Thomas Kolditz is a leadership expert who served in the U.S. Army for over 34 years. He focuses on leadership in high-stakes environments. Click here for Thomas Kolditz’s speaking fee.

John Bolton – Former National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton speaks on national security and foreign policy. Click here for John Bolton’s speaking fee.

Fred Guttenberg – While primarily known for his advocacy after the Parkland school shooting, Fred Guttenberg’s speeches often include elements of security and safety, resonating with military audiences. Click here for Fred Guttenberg’s speaking fee.

Chad Williams – A former Navy SEAL, Chad Williams speaks about his experiences in the SEALs, focusing on perseverance, dedication, and teamwork. Click here for Chad Williams’s speaking fee.

James Stavridis – A retired U.S. Navy admiral and former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, James Stavridis speaks on global security, leadership, and strategy. Click here for James Stavridis’s speaking fee.

Innovation Speakers

Kat Cole – COO of Focus Brands, Kat Cole is recognized for her innovative leadership in the food and beverage industry. She is known for her transformative approach to business growth and team management. Click here to see Kat Cole’s speaking fee.

Jennifer Aaker – A Stanford University professor and expert in the impact of digital technologies on business, Jennifer Aaker focuses on how technology can drive innovation and improve customer engagement. Click here to see Jennifer Aaker’s speaking fee.

Vikram Mansharamani – A global trend-watcher and author, Vikram Mansharamani provides insights into how macro trends and global shifts impact innovation and business strategy. Click here to see Vikram Mansharamani’s speaking fee.

Olaf Groth – An expert on disruptive technologies and global innovation, Olaf Groth is a professor and CEO of Cambrian Futures, focusing on the impact of emerging technologies on business and society. Click here to see Olaf Groth’s speaking fee.

Alex Klein – CEO and co-founder of Kano Computing, Alex Klein speaks on innovation in education technology, creative coding, and how to empower the next generation through hands-on learning. Click here for Alex Klein’s speaking fee.

Obi Felten – Head of getting moonshots ready for contact with the real world at X (formerly Google X), Obi Felten focuses on the intersection of innovation, technology, and practical implementation in solving global challenges. Click here for Obi Felten’s speaking fee.

Ian Khan – Technology futurist, author, and filmmaker, Ian Khan discusses the future of technology, emerging trends, and how businesses can prepare for rapid technological advancements. Click here for Ian Khan’s speaking fee.

Craig Lipset – Former Head of Clinical Innovation at Pfizer, Craig Lipset speaks on the future of healthcare innovation, the role of technology in clinical trials, and patient-centered care. Click here for Craig Lipset’s speaking fee.

Scott Dadich – Co-founder of Godfrey Dadich Partners and former editor-in-chief of Wired, Scott Dadich is known for his work at the intersection of design and technology, driving innovation through creative thinking. Click here to see Scott Dadich’s speaking fee.

Stephanie J. Creary – A Wharton School professor, Stephanie J. Creary focuses on innovative organizational practices that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within businesses. Click here to see Stephanie J. Creary’s speaking fee.

Hitendra Wadhwa – A professor at Columbia Business School, Hitendra Wadhwa explores leadership and innovation, focusing on how leaders can foster environments that encourage innovative thinking and resilience. Click here to see Hitendra Wadhwa’s speaking fee.

Naomi Bagdonas – A Stanford lecturer and expert on humor and innovation in leadership, Naomi Bagdonas teaches how humor can be a powerful tool for creative problem-solving and leadership. Click here to see Naomi Bagdonas’s speaking fee.

Andrew Ng – Co-founder of Coursera and leading expert in artificial intelligence, Andrew Ng discusses the future of AI and its potential to drive significant innovations across various industries. Click here to see Andrew Ng’s speaking fee.

Kenji Yoshino – NYU law professor and author, Kenji Yoshino focuses on innovative approaches to legal education and how the law can adapt to changing societal norms and technological advancements. Click here to see Kenji Yoshino’s speaking fee.

Frans Johansson – Author of “The Medici Effect,” Frans Johansson highlights the importance of diversity and intersectional thinking in driving innovation and creative breakthroughs. Click here to see Frans Johansson’s speaking fee.

Anjali Kumar – Former Google executive and founding general counsel at Warby Parker, Anjali Kumar focuses on organizational innovation and how companies can foster creative cultures. Click here to see Anjali Kumar’s speaking fee.

Komal Ahmad – CEO of Copia, Komal Ahmad is dedicated to solving food waste through innovative technology and logistical solutions, connecting surplus food with those in need. Click here to see Komal Ahmad’s speaking fee.

Manoj Saxena – Chairman of CognitiveScale and former general manager of IBM Watson, Manoj Saxena is an expert on AI innovation and its applications in various business sectors. Click here to see Manoj Saxena’s speaking fee.

Marillyn Hewson – Former CEO of Lockheed Martin, Marillyn Hewson is known for her leadership in aerospace innovation and her role in advancing technology in defense and security. Click here to see Marillyn Hewson’s speaking fee.

Sales Speakers

Grant Cardone – Renowned sales trainer, motivational speaker, and author of “The 10X Rule.” Cardone is known for his dynamic approach to sales and business growth. Click here to see Grant Cardone’s speaking fee.

Patrick Lencioni – Author of “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” and founder of The Table Group, Pat Lencioni specializes in sales leadership and organizational health, offering strategies for building cohesive and high-performing sales teams. Click here to see Patrick Lencioni’s speaking fee.

Stephen Hayes – Journalist and commentator, Stephen Hayes offers insights into political trends and their impact on sales and business strategy. Click here to see Stephen Hayes’s speaking fee.

Tom Mendoza – Former President and Vice Chairman of NetApp, Tom Mendoza shares his expertise on sales leadership, building strong customer relationships, and driving business growth. Click here to see Tom Mendoza’s speaking fee.

Jeff Degraff – Innovation consultant, Jeff Degraff is known for his approach to fostering creativity and innovation in sales to drive business growth. Click here to see Jeff Degraff’s speaking fee.

Gary Heil – Author and leadership expert, Gary Heil focuses on building effective sales teams through leadership development and organizational culture. Click here to see Gary Heil’s speaking fee.

Ian Altman – Sales consultant and author, Ian Altman specializes in helping businesses achieve growth through innovative sales strategies and effective leadership. Click here to see Ian Altman’s speaking fee.

Elliott Masie – Learning and technology expert, Elliott Masie provides insights on how sales professionals can leverage technology to enhance their sales strategies and performance. Click here to see Elliott Masie’s speaking fee.

Joel Bines – Managing Director at AlixPartners, Joel Bines focuses on retail and sales strategy, providing actionable insights on driving sales performance in competitive markets. Click here to see Joel Bines’s speaking fee.

Brittany Hodak – Co-founder of The Superfan Company, Brittany Hodak speaks on creating customer loyalty and engagement, crucial elements for successful sales strategies. Click here to see Brittany Hodak’s speaking fee.

Cara Silletto – Workforce thought leader, Cara Silletto offers insights on sales strategies and employee retention, essential for maintaining a strong sales force. Click here to see Cara Silletto’s speaking fee.

Silvia Garcia – Former Global Director of the Happiness Institute at Coca-Cola, Silvia Garcia provides insights on positive psychology and its impact on sales performance. Click here to see Silvia Garcia’s speaking fee.

Neil Mandt – Emmy-winning producer and entrepreneur, Neil Mandt speaks on creativity, storytelling, and leveraging media to enhance sales strategies. Click here to see Neil Mandt’s speaking fee.

Leadership Speakers

Jim Collins – Author of “Good to Great” and “Built to Last,” Jim Collins is a renowned expert on business leadership and organizational growth, focusing on the principles that enable companies to achieve sustained success. Click here to see Jim Collins’s speaking fee.

Jocko Willink – Former Navy SEAL officer and co-author of “Extreme Ownership,” Jocko Willink is a leadership expert who teaches principles of accountability, discipline, and effective team management. Click here to see Jocko Willink’s speaking fee.

Jim Dethmer – Co-founder of Conscious Leadership Group, Jim Dethmer focuses on mindful leadership, emotional intelligence, and creating high-performing teams. Click here to see Jim Dethmer’s speaking fee.

William Bennett – Former U.S. Secretary of Education and author, William Bennett shares his insights on leadership, education, and national policy. Click here to see William Bennett’s speaking fee.

Pamela Meyer – Author of “Liespotting” and expert in deception detection, Pamela Meyer speaks on leadership, trust-building, and integrity in the workplace. Click here to see Pamela Meyer’s speaking fee.

Marcus Buckingham – Co-author of “First, Break All the Rules” and expert on strengths-based leadership, Marcus Buckingham helps leaders maximize their teams’ potential by focusing on individual strengths and fostering engagement. Click here to see Marcus Buckingham’s speaking fee.

Bill Gates – Co-founder of Microsoft, philanthropist, and technology visionary, Bill Gates shares his insights on leadership, innovation, and the role of technology in addressing global challenges. Click here to see Bill Gates’s speaking fee.

George Bush – Former President of the United States, George W. Bush brings a wealth of experience in leadership, decision-making, and navigating complex challenges at the highest levels of government. Click here to see George Bush’s speaking fee.

Stanley McChrystal – Retired U.S. Army General and former commander of Joint Special Operations Command, Stanley McChrystal is a leadership expert known for his insights on strategic leadership, adaptability, and organizational transformation. Click here to see Stanley McChrystal’s speaking fee.

John Maxwell – Renowned leadership expert and author of numerous bestsellers, including “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” John Maxwell focuses on leadership development, personal growth, and effective team building. Click here to see John Maxwell’s speaking fee.

Ron Rivera – NFL head coach and former player, Ron Rivera is known for his expertise in leadership, teamwork, and resilience, both on and off the field. Click here to see Ron Rivera’s speaking fee.

Nikki Haley – Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley offers unique insights on leadership, diplomacy, and navigating complex political landscapes. Click here to see Nikki Haley’s speaking fee.

Condoleezza Rice – Former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor, Condoleezza Rice is an expert on leadership, foreign policy, and international relations, with a wealth of experience in government and academia. Click here to see Condoleezza Rice’s speaking fee.

David Petraeus – Former CIA Director and U.S. Army General, David Petraeus shares his expertise on leadership, strategic thinking, and managing complex organizations in high-stakes environments. Click here to see David Petraeus’s speaking fee.

Tom Peters – Renowned business author and speaker, Tom Peters is known for his work on business management and leadership, including his seminal book “In Search of Excellence.” Click here to see Tom Peters’s speaking fee.

Lou Holtz – Legendary football coach and motivational speaker, Lou Holtz is an expert on leadership, team building, and achieving success through hard work and perseverance. Click here to see Lou Holtz’s speaking fee.

Robyn Benincasa – World champion adventure racer and founder of Project Athena, Robyn Benincasa focuses on leadership, teamwork, and inspiring others to overcome challenges. Click here to see Robyn Benincasa’s speaking fee.

Simon Sinek – Author of “Start With Why” and “Leaders Eat Last,” Simon Sinek is an expert on leadership, organizational health, and inspiring others to achieve their best. Click here to see Simon Sinek’s speaking fee.

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This content is categorized as “Human Written / Editorial Reviewed” per our Transparent Content Policy.
Article last updated on May 30th, 2024.