Global Keynote Speaker

Joshua M. Evans
Speaking Fee: 18214

Travels From: Available Upon Request

Primary Topic Category: Big Names / Headliners / Star Power

Secondary Topic Category: Big Names / Headliners / Star Power


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Joshua M. Evans At A Glance:

Joshua Evans is a #1 best selling author, TEDx programmer, keynote speaker, adventure seeker, and proud father of 3. He’s studied workplace behavior for over 15 years and has been featured in many publications including the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, and Huffington Post. He has spoken to 100’s of companies and professional organizations to bring purpose to the forefront of the future of work.

Joshua is on a mission to fundamentally change the way people view their work by bringing deeper purpose to the forefront of the future of work. Joshua Evans is a #1 bestselling author, TEDx Curator, and Keynote Speaker. He’s studied workplace behavior for 15 years and has been featured in many publications including the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, and Huffington Post. He has spoken to 100’s of companies including AmericanExpress, Merck, The US Department of the Interior, ExxonMobil, GE, and EventBrite. His singular goal is to help individuals rediscover and reclaim purpose in their work, creating phenomenal organizational cultures.

Joshua lives in Texas spending his free time seeking out deep life experiences and adventures with his lovely wife and 3 spirited children.

  • Purpose of Perish

    Cultivating the Future of Employee Experience

    Right now, in the modern world people are facing a level of uncertainty that has never before been experienced and it’s having a significant impact on our teams and our work. It’s causing people to become overwhelmed, burned out, unfulfilled, and lost. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We all started our work from an engaged and purpose driven place, but after months or years in a role, we lose sight of why we cared so much. We get stuck in the day-to-day minutia, the tasks, functions, and responsibilities in our roles. We forget what doing great work means to all those that depend on us. I want to help your audience remember.

    In this session, leaders will:
    •Obtain tools for cultivating a unique employee experience
    •Learn how to enhance resilience and eliminate workplace toxicity
    •Discover the secret for finding fulfillment and purpose beyond pay and benefits
    •Find out how to rediscover, reclaim, and reconnect to a deeper sense of purpose
  • Change, Engage, Evolve

    Simplifying Adaptation

    The world is changing at a record pace and today’s teams are tasked to do more with less. They are also expected to remain engaged while facing an unprecedented shift in the traditional workplace. Cultivating resilience in each employee is necessary during transitional times, and it starts with realigning each team member with the meaning of their role in their organization. Joshua’s presentation will amp up the enthusiasm in your organization and rekindle engagement, commitment and trust between leaders and team members.

    In this session Leaders will learn how to:
    •Reduce the negative impact change has on an organization
    •Empower their team to use change as a positive catalyst
    •Combat common workplace traps and how to avoid the spread of toxicity within your teams
    •Move their team beyond daily tasks and into a state of deeper purpose
  • Culture of Engagement

    Why & How to Build Passionate Engaged Teams

    Each of us began our careers from an engaged place. On our first day of work every one of us was excited and intrigued. However, with such demanding roles it can be easy for us to lose sight of the meaning behind our work. What if we could learn to re-engage in our work? What would be the organizational impact if we could help every person find meaning and purpose in their role? In this session audiences will learn how to manage influences, direct perceptions, and build aspirations that create phenomenal organizational cultures with fulfilled employees and engaged teams.

    Audience members will:
    •Learn how to build an engagement focused working environment
    •Obtain tools for effectively communicating to build positive organizational momentum
    •Discover how to increase coworker engagement for authentic interactions

Joshua was very engaging and educational on issues that greatly impact our job community. He kept the audience well-informed and maintained an open dialogue throughout the presentation. I would recommend Joshua as a speaker to any group.

— Chris Galle National Account Manager, Southwest Airlines

Joshua worked the room and knew his audience before he ever started. He engaged the group, getting participation, and capturing everyone’s attention. Entertaining and thought-provoking

— Jodi Johnson Vice President, Account Management | BCD Travel

Joshua did an outstanding job! He captivated our audience by sharing personal stories, connecting his content to our world, and engaging with the entire audience! Joshua’s presentation was what we hope each of our professional events offer to our members- a sense of purpose and ability to use the content presented.

— Faith Graf, Programs Director, GMA SHRM

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