For 12 years Gotham Artists has been working to bring the world’s greatest thinkers, celebrities, achievers, and musicians to your stages. But as with all things – the speaking industry is innovating and evolving. COVID has only accelerated this change, and we are now able to connect in so many ways that take us beyond the keynote.
And bring on the drum roll please…
We are thrilled to announce our partnership with CAMEO and CAMEO FOR BUSINESS. For those moments when you just need a quick celebrity pop-in instead of a 45-minute speech, Gotham can work with you to bring the stars of Cameo directly to your audiences with personalized messages that support the themes and goals of your events.
And not only are we able to bring you Cameo celebrities, but we can also help you get shoutouts from all of our talent – whether they are on Cameo or not.
Listed are just a few of the incredible speakers that are available to film Cameos for your event.
For speakers and talent, if you are interested in signing up for Cameo, reach out to us for the skinny and get your GA VIP code to get started.