At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.


Struggling to find a team building speaker who can truly connect with and inspire your team?

Navigating the complexities of budgets, speaker expertise, and session impact can be overwhelming for event organizers.

Dive into this article to uncover valuable insights and practical tips to streamline your search and ensure a successful event.

Top Team Building Keynote Speakers to Book in 2024

Dive into our curated collection of guest speakers for corporate events. Someone caught your interest? Click the button below to reach out.

Markuphero cdiqfnot6llfkbheg4sh 1 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Michael Lomonaco: Chef & Partner of Porter House Bar & Grill NYC

Michael Lomonaco is the Culinary Director of the highly respected and successful restaurant Porter House Bar and Grill along with his piano-cocktail lounge Center Bar. He is an original star of Food Network, a food and travel host on Discovery and Travel channels, and was a Distinguished Visiting Professor at CUNY. An esteemed veteran of American cooking and the New York restaurant scene, Michael has helmed some of NYC’s most iconic kitchens including ‘21’, Windows on the World, Wild Blue, Noche and Guastavino’s. His philanthropic work has made him a leader in the restaurant community and his hometown NYC.

2 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Joe Theismann: World Champion Quarterback, Broadcaster and Entrepreneur

Losing his successful football career at 35 to a serious injury, Joe Theismann learned firsthand how to think, analyze and reinvent in the face of adversity and change.

6 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Shola Richards: Founder & CEO, Go Together Global & Best-Selling Author 

Shola Richards is a dynamic keynote speaker, the best-selling author of “Making Work Work”, and “Go Together”, an in-demand workplace civility expert, and a prolific writer with a passionate worldwide following. His articles and wildly-popular Monday morning “Go Together Movement” email series have impacted people in over 160 countries, and his work has been featured on the Today Show, CBS This Morning, Forbes, Black Enterprise, Complete Wellbeing India, and Business Insider Australia.

3 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Shabnam Mogharabi: Entrepreneur, Entertainment Executive & Author

Shabnam Mogharabi is an entertainment entrepreneur, author, and journalist with more than 20 years of experience in media and storytelling. She is a lifelong student of positive psychology and an expert on how to create socially impactful and entertaining content. Shabnam believes embracing the power of joy is an act of rebellion, and in her insightful, interactive sessions, she shares practical tips about what it takes to truly bring more joy into your life both personally and professionally.

7 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Kaplan Mobray: Award-Winning Author, Motivational Speaker and Career Consultant

Recognized by Meetings and Conventions Magazine as one of the nation’s top business speakers, Kaplan Mobray is one of the world’s most dynamic and inspirational business speakers and award-winning author of “The 10Ks of Personal Branding. An innovative mastermind, Kaplan has inspired and transformed countless lives through his insightful and groundbreaking approach to personal branding and leadership development. Kaplan has delivered keynote presentations and leadership development workshops on 5 continents helping individuals globally to build their brand and advance their career. Additionally, Kaplan has been a frequent main platform speaker at the prestigious Million Dollar Roundtable (MDRT) national and global conferences. 

4 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Devon Harris: International Keynote Speaker 🇯🇲Founding member original Jamaica Bobsled Team 🇯🇲 KEEP ON PUSHING past YOUR obstacles

Devon Harris, hailing from the slums of Kingston, Jamaica, defied the odds to become a sought-after international Motivational Speaker in New York. Despite humble beginnings, he graduated from the prestigious Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in England and served as an officer in the Jamaica Defence Force. Transitioning from a barefoot boy in track races to a member of his nation’s first Olympic bobsled team, Harris faced constant challenges and skepticism but persisted, achieving success against all odds. Today, he is a prominent corporate Motivational Keynote Speaker, author, and the founder of the Keep On Pushing Foundation, a New York-based charity focused on providing quality education to children in disadvantaged communities. Harris has also dedicated time to supporting troops in the Persian Gulf and across the United States.

5 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Victoria Labalme: Hall of Fame Speaker, Performance Strategist & Best-Selling Author

Victoria Labalme is a master at helping people at all levels dramatically elevate their ability to communicate, connect, come alive . . . and win over the people they serve. Her results-driven approach offers a strategic blend of art and business that taps into her decades of performing arts experience: HBO, Caroline’s on Broadway, comedy clubs, television, one-woman shows and documentary films. Her creative projects have received critical acclaim from The Hollywood Reporter, Variety, BBC, CBS, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Good Morning America.

8 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Jason O. Harris: Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author and Professional Pilot

Creating high performing workplace cultures that are balanced, sustainable and thriving is the goal of every organization, and it is the mission of Lieutenant Colonel Jason O. Harris to help them get there. For over 20 years as a United States Air Force officer and special operations pilot, he has led teams where trust was the basis of every successful operation. Over the course of his career, he has served more than 2,000 combat hours and 470 combat sorties around the globe. These high-risk combat experiences have all served as the launching point for his proprietary NO FAIL TRUST methodology. His proven framework serves organizations as a tool to empower executives and team members to foster an environment of mutual trust, responsibility, and productivity.

9 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Garry Ridge: Globally Recognized Culture Shifting Keynote Speaker | Founder of The Learning Moment | The Culture Coach | WD-40 Company Chairman Emeritus

Garry has 25 years of experience as Chairman and CEO of WD-40 Company. He is also an adjunct professor at the University of San Diego, where he teaches the principles and practices of corporate culture in the Master of Science in Executive Leadership program. Inspired by Aristotle’s quote, Garry believes in creating workplaces where employees find pleasure in their jobs, contribute to something greater, learn, feel safe, and go home happy. He co-authored the book “Helping People Win at Work: A Business Philosophy Called ‘Don’t Mark My Paper, Help Me Get an A’” with Ken Blanchard in 2009, outlining effective leadership techniques. A native of Australia, Mr. Ridge holds a certificate in Modern Retailing and a Master of Science in Executive Leadership from the University of San Diego.

10 top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture
Top 10 team building speakers who can transform your work culture

Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan: Thought Leader, Speaker, Executive and Leadership Coach

Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan is the founder and CEO of The Infinite Impact Group, a leadership and organizational development firm that helps its clients crack the code of who they are, how to create outcomes that matter most—and scale that capacity to others in authentic and fulfilling ways.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

Identifying the Right Team Building Speaker for Your Event

A man shaking hands with a team building speaker after they made a deal and signed a contract which is on a table in front of them.

When it comes to finding the perfect team building speaker for your event, the goal is clear: you want someone who not only brings expert knowledge but also connects with your audience on a deeper level, sparking enthusiasm and participation. Here’s a straightforward approach to ensure you pick the best fit:

Clarify Your Event Goals: Start with the basics. What do you hope to achieve with this team building event? Whether it’s enhancing communication skills, promoting creative thinking, or boosting leadership qualities, having a clear objective will steer you in the right direction. Also, consider the makeup of your audience. The ideal speaker for a tech-savvy crowd might be different from one better suited to a creative team.

Kick Off Your Search: This is where the hunt begins. Turn to resources like Gotham Artists or tap into your network for personal recommendations. Online platforms are also goldmines for potential candidates. Your mission is to find someone with a proven track record in team building. Scour through their online presence, watch videos of their speeches, and read reviews to gauge their effectiveness and appeal.

Examine Their Credentials: With a list of potential speakers in hand, it’s time to dig deeper. How seasoned are they in the corporate speaking world? Have they worked with organizations similar to yours? Do they have insights specific to your industry? This stage is all about ensuring their expertise aligns with your event’s needs.

Assess Their Engagement Style: The content is crucial, but so is the delivery. Seek out speakers who bring an interactive element to their sessions, involving the audience and making the experience memorable. Their ability to adapt their speaking style to resonate with your audience is key.

Have a Chat: Narrowed it down to a few candidates? Reach out to them. Discuss your event, your audience, and your goals. This conversation is not just about logistics. It’s about feeling out whether there’s a genuine connection and understanding. The right speaker for your event will share your vision and be able to build on it.

Do Your Due Diligence: Don’t skip this step. Ask for references from past engagements, particularly those similar to your event. Hearing directly from others who have been in your shoes can offer invaluable insights into the speaker’s impact and professionalism.

By meticulously following these steps, you’re on the right path to finding a speaker who aligns perfectly with your event’s goals and audience. However, if you’re looking to streamline this process and find a top-quality speaker with less legwork, working with Gotham Artists offers a shortcut. Our expertise and curated roster of seasoned team building speakers can save you time and ensure your event is a resounding success.

Budgeting for a Team Building Speaker

A man holding a smartphone with his calculator app open and some documents on his table, trying to calculate for the costs of hiring a team building speaker.

At Gotham Artists, our extensive experience in the industry has shown us that smart budgeting is key to securing the best value in a team building speaker without sacrificing your event’s quality. We’ll walk you through crafting a realistic budget, comprehending the variables that affect speaker fees, and negotiating agreements that are advantageous for both your organization and the speaker.

Set a Realistic Budget: Start by understanding the typical costs associated with hiring a team building speaker. These can vary widely based on the speaker’s experience, reputation, and demand. Factor in additional expenses such as travel, accommodation, and any required materials or technology. Having a clear budget range in mind helps you narrow down your search to speakers who fit within your financial constraints.

Understand Cost Factors: The fee for a team building speaker can depend on several factors including the length of the session, the level of customization required, and the speaker’s profile. High-profile speakers with extensive experience tend to charge more, but they also bring added value in terms of audience engagement and impact. Decide what aspects are non-negotiable for your event and where you might be able to compromise to stay within budget.

To give you an idea of how these factors can influence costs, here’s a simplified table showcasing hypothetical scenarios:

FactorLow Cost ScenarioHigh Cost Scenario
Session Length1 hourFull-day workshop
Customization LevelStandard presentationHighly customized
Speaker’s ProfileEmerging speakerWell-known expert
Additional RequirementsNoneTravel and accommodation

Consider the Total Value: When evaluating costs, look beyond the speaker’s fee alone. Consider the potential return on investment in terms of improved team performance, morale, and cohesion. A more expensive speaker who can deliver lasting change might offer better value in the long run than a less costly alternative with limited impact.

Negotiate Wisely: Once you’ve identified a potential speaker, don’t be afraid to negotiate. Speakers are often willing to work within your budget constraints, especially if there are non-monetary benefits to them, such as exposure to a new audience or the opportunity to fill a gap in their schedule. Be transparent about your budget limits and ask if there are adjustments that can be made to the proposed services to align with your financial realities.

Explore Package Deals: Some speakers offer package deals that include pre-event consultations, post-event follow-ups, or access to additional resources. These packages can offer significant savings compared to booking these services separately. Ask potential speakers if they offer any bundles that could enhance the value of their session without dramatically increasing costs.

Plan for Unexpected Expenses: Always allocate a portion of your budget for unforeseen costs. This could include last-minute changes to the event schedule, additional AV requirements, or post-event materials for attendees. Having a buffer ensures that these surprises don’t put you over budget.

By taking a strategic approach to budgeting for a team building speaker, you can ensure that you invest wisely in a speaker who will make a real difference to your team’s dynamics and performance, all while keeping your finances in check.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

The Simple Way to Hire Team Building Speakers

Hiring the perfect team building speaker doesn’t have to be complicated. Gotham Artists simplifies the process, offering a curated selection of top-tier speakers who are experts at inspiring and transforming teams.

Reach out to us today, and together, let’s ensure both the success of your gathering and the long-term growth of your team.


How far in advance should I book a guest speaker?

It’s best to start your search and book a team building speaker as early as possible, ideally several months in advance of your event. This gives you ample time to find the right fit for your team, negotiate terms, and allows the speaker to tailor their presentation to your specific needs. High-demand speakers often have their schedules filled months ahead, so early booking can ensure you secure your preferred choice.

Can team building speakers customize their sessions to fit our company’s specific challenges?

Yes, many team building speakers are happy to customize their sessions to address your company’s unique challenges and objectives. During your initial discussions, share specific issues or goals you want the session to focus on. This collaboration ensures the content is relevant and impactful for your team, providing a more valuable and engaging experience.

What should I do if a speaker cancels at the last minute?

If a speaker cancels at the last minute, it’s important to have a backup plan. This can include having a list of potential replacement speakers who can step in on short notice or preparing an alternative activity, such as a panel discussion or workshop. It’s also beneficial to communicate transparently and promptly with attendees about the change to manage expectations.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

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