At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.


Keynote speakers can truly transform an event, bringing energy and insight that can resonate with attendees long after it’s over. That makes choosing the right speaker a crucial task.

However, understanding their fees can be a bit of a puzzle because there are so many factors that go into the cost. We’ve written this article to help clear up some of that confusion.

If you’re in the process of planning an event and need to figure out speaker fees, keep reading to get a handle on what to expect.

If you’re looking for fee information on other types of speakers, please refer to our Insights on Speaker Fees.

Understanding Keynote Speaker Fees

Keynote speaker fees include more than just the cost of the time they are on stage. Here are the key components and factors that influence these fees:

  • Coverage of Costs: Speaker fees typically include travel expenses, accommodations, and meals. For international events or those out of state, these costs can significantly impact the overall fee.
  • Preparation and Customization: A lot of work goes into a keynote speech. Speakers often spend considerable time tailoring their presentations to your audience, researching your industry, and sometimes creating unique content specific to your event.
  • Speaker’s Reputation and Demand: More renowned or in-demand speakers command higher fees. Their ability to attract larger audiences justifies the premium.
  • Event Size and Location: Larger events or those in high-cost areas can drive up fees due to the added logistical demands and the perceived value of the speaker in bigger venues.
  • Type of Event: Corporate events might require a different fee structure compared to non-profit or educational seminars. Corporate events often have higher budgets, affecting the fees speakers expect.
  • Duration of Engagement: If a speaker is required for multiple sessions or to participate in additional activities like panel discussions or meet-and-greets, the fee will likely increase.
  • Exclusivity and Non-Compete Clauses: Some speakers may request a higher fee in exchange for not speaking at competing events around the same time.

Fee Ranges:

  • Emerging Speakers: Often new to the circuit and can range from $1,500 to $5,000.
  • Established Experts: Recognized in their fields but not necessarily famous can range from $10,000 to $25,000.
  • Celebrity Speakers: Well-known figures with broad appeal can command $50,000 and upwards.

Understanding these elements can help you make informed decisions, ensuring that you choose a speaker who fits both your event’s needs and its budget constraints.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

How Keynote Speaker Fees Vary by Industry and Expertise

Shadows of different forms and kinds of people, signifying how keynote speaker fees can differ dramatically depending on their area of expertise and the industry they represent.
Keynote speaker fees: a guide for event planners

The cost of hiring a keynote speaker can differ dramatically depending on their area of expertise and the industry they represent. In technology, for instance, speakers who can demystify complex topics like artificial intelligence or cybersecurity often command higher fees due to their specialized knowledge and the high demand for tech insights at conferences. In contrast, speakers in the motivational speaking circuit might have fees that are more influenced by their personal achievements and the inspirational quality of their narratives rather than technical expertise.

Business speakers, including former CEOs and entrepreneurs, often have fees that reflect their proven track record in transforming businesses and leading successful ventures. Their talks are aimed at imparting practical business strategies and leadership lessons, which are highly valued in corporate settings. For example, a speaker who has experience with Fortune 500 companies might charge significantly more than one who has worked with smaller, less known entities.

In creative fields such as design or marketing, fees are usually lower unless the speaker has celebrity status or a particularly unique approach or insight that sets them apart. These speakers bring a blend of creativity and practical advice that can be crucial for businesses looking to innovate.

Here’s a simplified table to illustrate how average fees might differ across various industries:

IndustryExpertise FocusAverage Fee Range
TechnologyAI, Cybersecurity, Software Development$15,000 – $30,000
BusinessLeadership, Entrepreneurship$20,000 – $50,000
Creative FieldsDesign, Marketing$5,000 – $15,000
Disclaimer: The fee ranges provided in the table are estimates based on average industry rates and may vary. Specific fees can be higher or lower depending on the speaker’s individual profile and event requirements. Please consult with Gotham Artists for precise figures.

This breakdown shows not only the variability of fees across different sectors but also highlights the importance of a speaker’s specific expertise and the value they bring to an event. By understanding these dynamics, event planners can better align their speaker choices with both their budget and their event’s objectives.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.

Gotham artists proudly represents a diverse group of top-tier keynote speakers who are leaders in their respective fields. This article talks about the speaker fees associated with our artists.
Keynote speaker fees: a guide for event planners

Gotham Artists features a roster of diverse, top-tier keynote speakers who are leaders in their respective fields. Here’s a look at some of the most popular speakers we can help you book:

Daymond John – As a celebrated entrepreneur and star of the TV show “Shark Tank,” Daymond John brings a wealth of business acumen and an inspirational story of rags to riches. He specializes in motivational talks that focus on entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal success. Find out Daymond John’s speaking fee here.

Alex Weber – Known for his infectious energy and ability to connect with any audience, Alex Weber is an American Ninja Warrior and award-winning host. He combines lessons from sports and personal challenges to deliver messages on overcoming obstacles and achieving success. Find out Alex Weber’s speaking fee here.

Kaplan Mobray – Kaplan Mobray is one of the most dynamic and innovative motivational speakers and career consultants in the U.S. He uses his background in corporate marketing to help individuals and companies succeed in branding, leadership, and personal development. Find out Kaplan Mobray’s speaking fee here.

Lauren Berger – Dubbed the “Intern Queen” for her extensive work with internships, Lauren Berger is a career and entrepreneurship speaker. She focuses on helping young people achieve their career goals and balance personal well-being with professional success. Find out Lauren Berger’s speaking fee here.

Elizabeth Lombardo – Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo is known as the “Head Shrinker” for high achievers. She combines psychological insights with personal development strategies to help people lead happier, more fulfilling lives. Her talks often address stress management, relationship building, and peak performance. Find out Elizabeth Lombardo’s speaking fee here.

Robert Herjavec – A star on “Shark Tank” and a renowned entrepreneur, Robert Herjavec offers his deep insights into technology, business growth, and entrepreneurship. His talks provide actionable advice on how to innovate and accelerate in a rapidly changing business landscape. Find out Robert Herjavec’s speaking fee here.

Adam Markel – A best-selling author and leadership expert, Adam Markel inspires transformation in leadership and personal resilience. His engaging talks focus on sustainable performance and building a resilient organizational culture. Find out Adam Markel’s speaking fee here.

Judge Greg Mathis – Known from his long-running television court show, Judge Greg Mathis shares stories from his journey from the streets to the courtroom. His impactful speeches focus on social justice, community activism, and overcoming adversity. Find out Judge Greg Mathis’s speaking fee here.

Afdhel Aziz – Afdhel Aziz is a leading thinker in the field of purpose-driven marketing and CSR. He offers innovative strategies for aligning business with social good, drawing on his extensive experience in branding and corporate social responsibility. Find out Afdhel Aziz’s speaking fee here.

Barbara Corcoran – From real estate mogul to a familiar face on “Shark Tank,” Barbara Corcoran is a powerhouse in entrepreneurship. Her speeches offer sharp insights into building businesses, leadership, and thriving in competitive environments. Find out Barbara Corcoran’s speaking fee here.

Alex Banayan – Alex Banayan is the bestselling author of “The Third Door,” which chronicles his journey to uncover how the world’s most successful people launched their careers. His keynotes inspire audiences with stories of determination and inventive ways to achieve goals. Find out Alex Banayan’s speaking fee here.

For more speaker options, search into our diverse range of professional speakers and discover the right match for your conference.

How to Find Your Next Keynote Speaker with Ease

With Gotham Artists, hiring a keynote speaker and navigating the logistics of transactions becomes a seamless, straightforward process.

We handle the details, allowing you to focus on creating a memorable event.

Contact us through the button below to find the perfect speaker for your next gathering and ensure your event is a success.


At Gotham Artists, we find top notch talent and ensure your event is seamless and successful. Tap below for pricing and availability of your perfect speaker.